I got started in this hobby about 25 years ago with my two sons. Since they were not of legal age, I took them to liquor stores in the hope of finding cans for their fledging collections. Can collecting amongst youngsters was the rage back then. The cans that we discovered usually cost $.75 to a $1.00. In looking over the dealers' supply in the coolers, I often times would find a six pak of what the youngsters wanted selling for around $1.50. Six cans, full of beer, for $1.50!!!! Wow, what a deal! Much better then buying two empty cans for $1.50 or $2.00. As time went on, we began to accumulate lots of extra cans from our six pak purchases.
The grading of cans is a subjective issue. It is the opinion of one collector versus that of another collector or collectors. A number of reference books will give examples of the various grades of cans; however, aside from a MINT can, no two cans are alike when it comes to grading, i.e., two cans may be labeled Grade 1, but their blemishes/flaws may be different.
The most common acceptable grading of cans is as follows:
Grade 1+ cans are commonly referred to as "store condition" cans. They may have slight blemishes, flaws, minor scratches, rub marks, dings (slight dents), or other minor faults that come with the production, distribution, and handling of the can from the can company to the consumer. The price of a Grade 1+ may be 10% to 20% below that of a Mint can with the exception of new or current releases.
Grade 1 cans have noticable blemishes, flaws, scratches, rub marks, wrinkles, dents, or other problems like spotting or aging. Some collectors use the 6 foot rule, i.e., it is hard to see a problem with the can at a distance of 6 feet, but upon closer handling there are the obvious faults. Grade 1 cans usually sell for 20% to 40% of a Mint can.
Grade 1- cans have very obvious blemishes and flaws; the problems may be many, a combination of things, and really stick out. Some collectors use the terms inside cans or outside cans, but I have no clue as to what these terms mean. If anyone would like to explain these terms to me, I would appreciate hearing from them. A Grade 1- can would command a price of between 40% and 60% of a Mint can.
Grade 2 cans place you in the dumper area as far as I am concerned. Grade 2 cans will have rust on them, good dents, abrasions, very noticeable faults, severe scratches, chipping, small holes (pin size holes), bare spots, etc., etc. The label is usually very displayable, but has been around and seen its days. Cans is this grade sell between 20% and 40% of the Mint value. Some collectors will list the cans in this grade as + or -, but how they are able to do this is beyond me.
Grade 3 cans are in bad shape. Only part of the label may be displayable and that part might be very small. Problems are obvious like holes on the can. Cans in this grade sell at between 10% to 15% of their Mint value. Again, some collectors will label a can in this grade as + or -. Lots of luck!
Grade 4 cans are in horrible shape. Their value is 3% to 10% of Mint value. Oh, yes, a couple of collectors that I know did have cans at this grade in + and -.
Grade 5 cans are completely worthless to me (but this is my opinion) because they are terrible. Only a very small part of the label may be seen. Only a true dumper collector would even consider such a can.
Lastly, it should be pointed out that some collectors do not evaluate seams and lids in grading their cans. They are concerned only with the label of the can. The reasoning behind this is that lids can be replaced and rust removed from the seam. I do not agree with this point of view.
I hope this has helped you to understand the grading of cans. It is very subjective. How a can is opened can also add or detract from the price of that can. Most collectors today want bottom opened cans. On older steel cans, collectors will take them bottom or top opened, but prefer bottom opened and will pay the extra price for them.
Some collectors acquire the lower grade labels (if the price is right) in the hope that one day they will be able to upgrade to a better can; thus, building their collection while one day hoping to improve the quality of that collection.
I will try to update this site with additional information as time, my fingers, and my knowledge of web pages allows.
If you wish me to evaluate a can or cans, please be willing to pay a consultant fee of $ 5.00 per can. Contact me at the email address below and I will forward the details of the information that I will need to evaluate your can or cans properly.
If you are interested in selling a collection, please be sure to state the price wanted, the number of cans involved, how opened, their grade, and provide, if possible, book identification/reference numbers of the cans as well as giving their names/labels. It is difficult to relate if I would be interested in a collection without knowing something about the collection. Relating that you have a 500 can collection isn't much help.
I receive numerous requests to evaluate cans and buy collections. There is not enough time to answer all inquires. If you are emailing me to ask where you can sell your collection, my suggestion is to place an ad in your local newspaper.
© 1997 jtabaska@aol.com
In expanding our horizons, we discovered that there were weekly and monthly trade shows in the area. We also found out that there existed monthly publications, four or five of them, by which collectors could advertise their wares to other collectors throughout the country. You could buy, trade, and/or sell cans through these publications. A great way to expand your collection and get rid of your excess cans. The ads I placed were very successful and before you knew it collectors were asking me if I could acquire this can or that can for them. At the same time, my sons were beginning to lose interest in the hobby which is very typical of most youngsters. Fads come and disappear as quickly as they come. So, some 25 years later, I have a very organized mess of over 50,000 beer cans of domestic and foreign origin.
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