This is sooo hilarious--seriously!! :)
I'm making faces at you--hehe!
Hey everyone! I'm Nancy (as most of you who come here already
know), and welcome to my page. I have yet to completely finish the interior design of my virtual home, but this is continually being updated...which is usually when I have something new to add or am sick of the same old, same old.
I haven't settled on a theme yet either; but hey, it's work in progress. Please keep in mind that this is my first attempt at creating a homepage. Now, you don't want me to become too much of a mouse potato, do ya? =) Okay, next up on my agenda is making frames so that this page downloads faster and then more pics (Hmm, of who/ what??? That's for me to know and you all to find out...,i.e. incentive to check up on my page)!
Hmmm, what's happening in my life right now: I am going to be a sophomore at U.C. Davis--Go Aggies! How's college life you ask? This is what I thought during my last quarter of freshman year: "Now that I have been here for awhile, I find myself calling it 'home' without even thinking about it. And I really don't see myself anywhere else, (ok, except maybe Paris and the Bahamas...) although this little college town could always use a little bit of spice here and there." Okay, this is what I think now that it is summer: "What?!! I must have been brainwashed by some funky carnivorous stench (if that makes any sense)--dude, there's no place like home. I don't have to cook here (!!) but I have to clean and drive my siblings places and go to work and ask to go out and...hold up, I think I may be starting to miss...ehhh I'll get to that later. Right now, I'm just going to enjoy the rest of my summer drinking Jamba Juice and pearl tea. It's been a wonderful and much needed break from studying. As a side note, sorry for not regularly updating to all my committed fans who perennially check up on my page (uh huh, sarcasm there, hehe). Ok, schmack with ya later...when I have something better to blab about!
~nan (summer 1999)
(Last time I laid eyes on my page: 9-12-02). YES, AN UPDATE!! (however minor it will be): I could say that for the past few years I've been imprisioned in the 4th floor of Shields Library at UCD (those who have seen the wall of little 5' x 5' cages would know what I mean), that I've been brainwashed by that "funky carnivorous stench" a.k.a those darned Holsteins, or that I've simply lost interest in adding more silly corniness to the world via my ever-so-popular homepage (due to haven fallen into the Gap--of the fantastical land of Xanth, of course, for all of you Piers Anthony fans out there). But if you wonder why I have not updated this page since forever, try tossing all the above lame "excuses" into a melting pot and see if it makes any convoluted sense at all...not that this itself should be any excuse for being a neglectful homepage-maker, of course. But on the brighter side, at least the few years of tearing myself away from all this fun has not been wasted, especially in front of the powerfully hynotic box we call T.V. (I must say wow--this is sheer will-power considering the awesome 1000 channel satellite reception I had for the past year). Nope, I've gone and done the antithesis of my homepage theme, the anti-silly, the anti-kiddie, the not-even-remotely-corny, the sensical thing, the practical thing...yes I've gone and donned the funny-looking, curtain-like, Harry Potter-esque, long pointed-sleeved, pitch-black robe that college graduates think is the coolest thing they've come in contact with since dorm-room ethernet of freshman year. Thus, in my current nostalgic state of mind, I couldn't bear to destroy the mania, i.e. this homepage, I created back in highschool and design something more twenty-something now that I'll be in grad school this fall...*gasp*, oh never! And so this has just been a rather long post-script...all I have left to say is keep chasing after what you want--you'll thank me 10 years from now once the cottage-cheese thighs set in. =)
"My Repertoire of Favorites"
*Happy 16th birthday to my little brother, Christopher, on September 12th! :)
*Happy 16th birthday to Christopher on September 12! :)
And have a wonderfully titillating end of summer/ beginning of school to the rest of you!!!
Since May 13, 1997, you're visitor #
to rendez-vous chez moi. Yippee! :)
You awesome people who come here may e-mail me at! =)
*Oh yeah, pardon my french, s'il vous plait. :) Just a little foreign affair chez moi, of course. =) And come back to visit again someday! See ya!
Music: "Co be hon doi"...heck, I don't even know what this means.