We are the generation born in the aftermath of world war....and we grew to adulthood in the shadow of the cold war. We come from all nations, are of all colors and creeds, and have been shaped by dramatic changes in our world.
"Babyboomers" is a gathering of peoples....from the USA, from Australia, from New Zealand, from Canada, and from many other nations. Whatever the time of day, someone, from somewhere in the world, is usually here having fun and sharing ideas, dreams and heartbreaks. Not all of us are from the Babyboomer generation ....but we all share an openness and enjoyment of life.
Wullie was our channel founder , and he set the tone for what has become one of the more enjoyable chat channels to be found on IRC. Come join us in our new home on Starlink-Irc !!
News Flash! Wullie retired as channel owner July 27th, 2001... RodneyD has taken the helm effective on that date. Rod has pledged to keep the channel open for all our friends and will be reviewing all channel standards and policies. Please help Rod continue the traditions and fun that we all have enjoyed since 1995. |
Where are we????
#Babyboomers is a chat channel has evolved on several different chatting nets, and we hope you're having fun where ever you are from. In 1995, our original channel was on GlobalChat, a net that is now gone forever. We have since moved a few times and our primary chat channel is now in . So, if you want to visit us, come on over to Starlink-Irc, because that's where we are probably hanging out.
Our new home net, Starlink-Irc, is a wonderful family-oriented net with its own home page. There is also a link at the bottom of this page that will take you directly to the full list of servers here on Starlink-Irc.
Would you like to chat??
If you've never chatted, and would like to try it, try our Web Browser Java Chat Link. It will take you directly to the Starlink-Irc, Channel List, just scroll down to #Babyboomers and click on the link { M or W }. That will open the Java IRC Client, where you enter your nickname, and optionally your username & your email address (not required). You will arrive in
#BabyBoomers, if no one is home, type /join #Channels, and you will go to #Channels, where you can ask if any Boomers are hanging around anywhere. Starlink-Irc is a family oriented chatting net, and no sex channels are allowed, so feel free to bring your kids with you.
To get the full effect of Irc chatting, however, (with all the colors and sounds) you will want to download a small chatting program. The three best programs are listed at the bottom of this page. They don't take up much room on your hard drive, so come on in......the water is fine!
Meet our Ops!!

When you come into #Babyboomers, you may see some peoples sitting up at the top of the nickname list with @'s in front of their names. These are our Ops..... If you don't know what an Op is, now's your chance to find out....and to meet some of our regular chatters. Click on the crowd above to go to the Ops page.
On the Ops page, you'll also find an explanation about just what it is an Op does, anyway (besides have fun, that is!!). We have also included a short listing of our channel rules on this page. They aren't complicated, but if you have any questions, please just ask one of the ops.
Great Links to Explore!
Most of these links are related to the Babyboomer generation. Some, however, are just plain interesting to browse through. The links are constantly being updated and changed, so you may want to bookmark favorite links.
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If you haven't downloaded a chat program yet, below are links to the three best chat programs around the universe. Just download one of the programs and come visit us on Starlink-Irc, using any of the Starlink-Irc servers listed in the chat program, or click on the link to the Starlink-Irc server list.
Web Rings to Explore.....
- WebRing Site By #Babyboomers