La Cuisine Chantraine
Entrez dans le Monde de la "Haute Cuisine" des années 50 et Découvrez de très nombreuses recettes originales pour l'Epoque, créées par mon Grand-Père dans son célèbre restaurant à l'enseigne de l'Epaule de Mouton à Bruxelles.
The Complete Collection
of Original Recipes Created at
The Restaurant Chantraine
in Brussels
In memory of my grandfather Charles Chantraine born in 1900 and dead in march 1997. His restaurant near the famous Grand Place of Brussels, called also
l'EPAULE DE MOUTON, was known in the entire world by the
connaisseurs, from Tintin to President Ford when he came in Brussels. Today
the restaurant doesn't exist anymore, today his book is sold out since 1970.
Few Words written by my Grandfather
when prefacing his cookbook in 1966
Don't want to count you!!!!!!!

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