Minnie's Little Home On The Web!
Minnie's Little Home On The Web...

I'm Canadian, eh? This is me drunk...hehehe

And this is me dancin' drunk...hehehe
This is me dancin' sober...hehehe

Hi! I'm Minnie, and this is my little home on the web. My page is currently under severe construction...so bare with me. I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I enjoy all types of music, sports, love playing pool and I love to travel(when I can)hehehe...to check out what I look like...click on the name Minnie above...each half of the name contain a different pic...prepare to lose some of your sight if viewed...and if cracks start to appear on your screen...don't say I didn't warn ya first!!...hehehe...and to check out a pic of the man of my life...the one that melts my hearts and can always make me smile no matter what...click here on his name...Ryan*huge smiles*

Links to my friends homepages:

Aeneas's little house
Bean's Rockin' Page
~*Bèng@£ †ìgr觧*~'s Sanctuary
Blondini's Couch on the Web
†BrAiN DeAd'S HoMePaGe†
Brandon's Redneck Homepage
Butterfly's and Ladybug's Daisy Field
Canadian Doughboy's Homepage
Catamount's Alley
Cowboy's Page
Creep's dark corner
Deep Blue's Page
Dr@gon's homepage
Dream Child's realm of Wonder
~Evil Bitch~'s Page
†»¤«Fire Leo's Fire Pit»¤«†
The Homepage of Footloose
Gnat's Homepage
A Grimm Place
Hoffy's World
Kimmy's Homepage
Maileah's Place (my sister)
Manny the man's page
~*Miss Manson*~
Mistress Lucy's Domain
Moonbeam's Homepage
Renea's Homepage
~§carle† and ¤§†öñéÿ¤'§ Hömepågé~ (my sis and her gfriends page)
Screams place in the web (my brother)
Sereniti's Shockproof Shack
Sharp Dressed Man's Homepage
SIME's Homepage
Sunflower's Nature Page
T@bby C@t's Purrrrfect Page
Thanos' Homepage
Trouble's Hideout *s*
***turtle's Homepage
*~Tweeter 15/f~*
~Tyaeris~'s Homepage
Tony*'s Homepage
VOID?'s Homepage
WAR GAMES's little walk to nowhere
(WildFire)†~~¤In the Heat Of The Night¤~~†

8ball's homepage

Pages I made:

This is my butterfly page
This is my mickey picture page
This is my tweety page
This is my winnie the pooh page

Music Links:

Alanis Morissette
Celine Dion Lyrics
Jann Arden
John Michael Montgomery
No Doubt's Poster Page
Reba McEntire
Shania Twain
Spice Girls Picture Page

Toni Braxton

Here are my friends that don't have homepages:

Dolphin(f), Southern girl, Sabrina, heidi, sweet daisy, juliet, Taylor(F), Kelvin, ironman, ~sylvia~, Daizy, SlyGuy, Twiggy, Mickey, COWBOY, starr, #58, Brandon, ~cowgirl~, ~cowboy~, Blake, Poetic Justice(f), Big Dog, star wars fan(f), JODI, Tasslehoff, Jaydie, Bunny, Love spreads, Nice Guy, Shandy, Wild bill, Shadowhawk, Ashe Draven, Ëlvir@, Mistre§ øƒ the Ðark, Kinderfeld, *~Spicy~*, *~BUGS BUNNY(F)~*, Evil Bastard, ~Destiny~(f/17), Kimmy*, Lexi, Mirabella, STEEDA, ***nina, Archangel, Wild Cat, SkAsKaNk ReDeMpTiOn, Zim Zum, Mayhem, Angel Dust, Fire Leo, Breah, MIAMI BEACH and squiggy.

If your name isn't on my list, e-mail me and I will be more then happy to add you on*smiles*

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