George's Cuisine

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(Last Updated :June 22nd, 1999)
You are Visitor Number
Since Sep. 15th, 1997

Hi there, Welcome to my kitchen. Get ready, because you are about to explore through the world of FOOD. In here, not only you get to learn how to cook, but you also get to know about the food's spectacular history and some other fun facts. Enjoy your stay and don't forget to sign my Guestbook..

I am back working on this page again.. because it's summer !! finally having some time updating this page.. - 6/22/99

Napa Seedling

Oh Wow!! Good news, I was awarded the Vintage Award by the NapaValley Community Leaders on this date (July 11th, 1998 ). I am flattered. My very first award, and it was unexpected.

This Page will be updated monthly, and the updated page will contain the sign to indicate that new information was added to that page..


Fun Facts And History

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If you have any suggestions or recipes that you wish to share with, please
don't hesitate to tell me!

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