Welcome to my corner of the Web. Jean5029 is the handle I use while chatting with my friends in the Chat House. Don't ask what the 5029 means, it's just a brand name.

One of my primary hobbies is the breeding and showing of Silky Terriers. The Silky Terrier came to us from Australia, where it was developed around the turn of the century. Many Australian breeds were found principally as pets and home companions. Nonetheless, they did prove their worth as ratters and especially in killing snakes. For many years, Silkys were called "Sydney Silky Terriers" in honor of the city where they originated, but in 1955 they became known as "Australian Silky Terriers," their official name in Australia today. In 1958, a goal long sought by many dedicated fanciers was achieved--the formation of the Australian National Kennel Council. Since the members of the Council were aware that the breed would soon be recognized by the American Kennel Club, The National Standard (as revised in September 1958) was approved and adopted on March 30, 1959. A copy was rushed to the American Kennel Club in New York, where officials drew up the AKC standard for Silky Terriers in the United States. This standard was approved on April 14, 1959. Although Silkys are Toy dogs in size and show classification, they are not lap dogs in the usual sense. While each enjoys sitting in your lap to be petted now and then, they are much too lively to stay there for long. Natural watch dogs, their courage is legendary. At times, in fact, they could do with a little prudence!

This Web Site, located in Australia, has more information and links for theAustralian Sydney Silky Terrier

For pictures of me, my Silkys and their gets, try this page.

I live near a small town located in a small valley just outside the Los Padres National Forest and surrounded by mountains northwest of Los Angelos, CA. I own and operate my own business out of my home. I live on an acre outside the city limits which is a horse and ranch area. I love the beach as well as the mountains, love to swim! Love the outdoors! It is only 15 to 30 minutes to the beach or mountains.

Family: I have a son, daughter-in-law, & two grandchildren in Brisbane, Australia. I named my kennel after their business there Aranelle Silkys since Silkys originated in Austraila.

Business: Office Support Systems - I own and operate from my home. We give support to businesses, organizations and individuals that need assistance in writing correspondence, newsletters, desktop publications, banners, autobiographies, resumes, proposals, legal assistance, flyers, fax service, manuals, certificates, etc.

Hobbies: Other than the dogs, you mean? Well, they include creative arts, gardening, travel & of course, computers (other than business related.... chatting as you know)! You can normally find me in the Tunnel on the first floor of the Chat House. Oh yes, I like to write. Writing is a something I enjoy doing when the creative spark is there...an expression of self...creative & free flowing like playing the piano...wonderful emotional outlet.

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