STeve's Place

(Created 1997 - Last Update 2000)

Who I Am And What The Hell I'm Doing On This Planet...

Hi, I'm Steve. I was hatched in the mid '50s at Fort Bragg, NC. I've been told by people in the know that I spent only a few months there before moving on to St. Louis, MO. There I was your basic boy child, seemed like I was always in trouble for something. I remember crying on my first day of Kindergarten (I never did like school, even though I was pretty good at it). I managed to make it through 2nd grade before moving again to Centralia, IL. The local yokels there thought I was a brainiac and allowed me to skip 3rd grade. While I continued to do well with '2+2=4' and 'Fun With Dick And Jane', I also continued to get into various sorts and degrees of trouble. I don't know if I looked for it, or it was looking for me, but we always managed to find each other. One summer between 6th and 7th grade, my parents decided we were all going to drive 2000 miles to California and pay a visit to my aunt and uncle who had recently moved there from the Ozarks (smart move on their part). Anyway, the following year in the middle of 7th grade, my parents quit their jobs, yanked me out of yet another school, and we all headed back to the West coast to seek our fortunes.

I soon found myself in the middle of 7th grade junior high in Los Angeles, 1966. Being a lame-o from the midwest, this was not a good thing. Southern California was like another planet to me (still is to some people) and I was a fish out of water for about two and a half years. At the beginning of my sophomore year in high school (three school districts later) I hooked up with some guys from school and became part of my first clique. As it happened, these guys turned out to be the 'wrong element' and I continued to find new and improved ways of getting into all kinds of trouble. During the remainder of high school I played bass guitar in a couple garage bands, experimented with just about all the 'recreational pharmaceuticals' available at the time (hey, it was the 60s!) and got into even more trouble. After high school I continued to play in unsuccessful rock groups while working now and then at various jobs. Even though I still got in some trouble, it seemed to be tapering off. Eventually I lost interest in drugs as well.

In the spring of 1976 I joined the Navy after having been talked into 'doing something' with my life by a guy that owned the flower shop where I worked. For some reason he had taken an interest in my future, or apparent lack thereof. The Navy recruiter talked a pretty good schpiel and got me to sign a six year contract in their advanced electronics field. After the initial six, I gave them four more in exchange for a tour of shore duty in Spain. To discuss Spain here would require an enormous amount of time and certainly more server space than I would ever expect anyone to donate, so I'll just say it was the most fun I ever had and will remember it for the rest of my life. I was also stationed in Memphis, San Diego, Seattle, Philadelphia and Jacksonville. By the time it was all over I managed to get through ten years of military service, ending up with enough knowledge of electronics to be dangerous and an honorable discharge.

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