The Master Grape

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Welcome to The Master Grape Page. You may be asking yourself...Why Grapes? Well that's a long story...a very long story. It's a story that has many points of view, and somewhere within it the truth got lost, and friendships suffered. All of it inspired me to create this page. Perhaps I'll write a screenplay about it one day. Yes like sands through the hourglass, these are our Grapes on the vine.

Mainly though I just wanted to create another one of those quirky and bizarre pages, in what seems to be a never-ending universe of quirky and bizarre pages. There's a Mentos homepage, and I hate to think how many pages out there might be dedicated to PEZ, so why not create a page dedicated to the seemingly benign fruit that is the Grape.

Such a page can't be too crazy an idea, after all in Grapevine Texas they have a whole festival celebrating the Grape harvest. That's what the picture at the top of this page is from. At the 10th Annual GrapeFest, the city of Grapevine was estimating an attendance of 100,000 people. As you can see the Grape is a rather popular fruit in its own right.

Here are some links that pertain to Grapevine Texas:

  • North Central Texas Council of Governments Grapevine Page
  • Texas Monthly Grapevine Page
  • Internet Information of Texas

    As for me I live in Colleyville Texas which is right next to Grapevine Texas, so my inspiration for doing this page doesn't come completely out of the blue. Who knows, I might start getting checks from the City of Grapevine and the Texas Board of Tourism. Here's information on Texas Wineries.

    Other Texas Grape sightings:

    As you may have guessed Grapevine Texas is a wine town. It is also a suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth. Needless to say there are other Grape places within the D/FW Metroplex, and here are two that I have encountered in my travels.

    Yes, Grapes are indeed a popular fruit. They have moved man to erect great monuments in their honor, I mean when was the last time you drove down the street and saw a giant apple? Well I suppose if you live in New York then maybe...but I've seen more Grapes decorating buildings than any other fruit by far.

    Grapes: The Dark Side...

    Some people apparently have more time on their hands than I do in their dealings with Grapes. Granted I've spent some time to create this page, but how bored must have this person been when they discovered that you can have Fun With Grapes. Though this particular "fun" can't be too much fun for the Grape itself. However who knows what this person's discovery may mean to mankind. It is clear though that the Grape can motivate one to do some pretty odd things. I've even heard of people racing Grapes using a similar process. As well as many Dark Tales inspired by the liquefied and fermented by-products of the Grape itself.

    You say you don't think grapes could possibly have a dark side? Well look at this picture, and then try to tell me otherwise.

    However if you do deal in Grapes in a more conventional fashion then here are some tips on how to grow and maintain your Grapes.

    Grapes in my travels...

    Texas is not the only place I've encountered the mystical powers of the Grape. While visiting friends in other states the ever present theme of the Grape always seems to find a way to manifest itself. I have some friends in Portland Oregon, and while visiting there I discovered the universal appeal of the Grape yet again. Welcome to The Grapery, Beaverton, Oregon.

    My friends in Portland like Grapes too, in fact I had the picture on the above left made for one of my friends there. The label artwork was done by someone else...but the bottle was done by a local friend of mine on his Silicon Graphics Workstation, working from my idea. It's a nifty pic so I thought I'd include it here. The person standing in front of The Grapery would be me, but please don't e-mail me asking me what that thing on my head is...that's part of that long story. Needless to say though this particular trip was a whole lot of fun.

    Guess what? They Grow Grapes in Oregon too:

    About Oregon Wine
    Oregon Fruit Products - Salem, Oregon
    Marquam Hill Vineyards - Oregon Online Highways
    Bridgeview Vineyards and Winery

    Grape Stuff...

    Cool Stuff About Grapes
    Nutrition Content of Grapes
    Nova Scotia Grape Newsletters
    North Carolina Grapes and Wines
    The Fine Grapes Page
    Corel Professional Photos CD-ROM - Grapes & Wine
    Sour Grapes Online Literary Magazine
    Grape Industry at a Glance
    White and Red Grapes
    The Fox and the Grapes
    GRAPES Publications
    The Indiana Wine Grape Council
    If you see this message, then you either need a 32-bit O/S, a Java compatible browser, or both.

    Other Grape Places:

    Grape, ArkansasGrape, California
    Grape, MissouriGrape Corner, New Hampshire
    Grape Creek, IllinoisGrape Creek, North Carolina
    Grape Grove, OhioGrapefield, Virginia
    Grapeland, TexasGrapeland, Missouri
    Grapeland, CaliforniaGrapetown, Texas
    Grapeview, WashingtonGrapeville, Connecticut
    Grapeville, New YorkGrapeville, Pennsylvania
    Grapevine, ArizonaGrapevine, Arkansas
    Grapevine, CaliforniaGrapevine, Kentucky
    Grapevine, TennesseeGrape Crossing, California
    Grape Landing, North CarolinaGrapewood, North Carolina

    Help the vines of The Master Grape Page grow! if you know of a Grapey URL, then e-mail it to me. In the meantime go learn about Monterey County Wine Grapes. Or go here and Stomp Grapes!

    Special thanks go out to Brendan Dunn. Without his help and inspiration this page would not be possible...Grapes!

    About the Author

    The Master Grape Page - Last Updated October 18, 1996