Select one of the links below:
The Origin of the Cereals The K-Files The Corn Flake Cookbook Sigmund Freud and Cereal Kid's Corner The Truth About OJ! Breakfast 2000 About the Author |
SOME THINGS CHANGE Even as you read this, your browser is trying to load and play a "Corn Flake Girl" midi file! Yes it's slow, but sacrifices must be made in the name of progress. During the holidays, I have been giving some of the pages a face lift with some new tricks I learned from Lizardman. That title image up there is also his handywork. But we must not praise Lizardman, for his page uses frames! (See Frames link below.) EViL! I have also sold my soul and joined the Geocities Webring! I know not why. I got the Origin of Cereals page up finally, and the K-Files page is actually funny now. I've also figured out what those META TAG things are for, and am trying to list this page in the search engines. More changes are still to come. SOME THINGS REMAIN THE SAME This homepage is STILL dedicated to Corn Flakes, cereal, and breakfast in general. Those that skip breakfast will still be ostracized! If you are a consumer of oatmeal, do not despair, for the quality of your persecution has actually increased. Is cereal the binding thread that holds the universe together? Will skipping breakfast create a rip in the space-time continuum, destroying everything around it? Well, maybe... I'm not sure, but can we take the risk? Be a good citizen and eat your cereal! The universe depends on you! Why? Because cereal is not just a food... it is a way of thinking! It's about keeping things simple. SOME THINGS ARE SHAMELESS ATTEMPTS TO INCLUDE COOL ANIMATED GIFS ...AND SOME THINGS ARE JUST PLAIN SILLY If your brower supports frames, click here. WARNING: Frames cause lung cancer, emphysema, Ebola, nausea, unwanted pregnancy, vertigo, high blood pressure, death, taxes, low blood pressure, blindness, the greenhouse effect, not-so-high and not-so-low blood pressure, drowsiness, civil unrest in the Czech Republic, and permanent brain damage. |
Thanks to Geocities for providing me with a homepage and a sign-in , Kelloggs for making damn good corn flakes, the Mailing List of the Damned for their constant supply of e-mail, my JJ Muggs friends for "Geez, your homepage really sucks," the folks at TNCS, and to cereal junkies everywhere. This homepage has been brought to you by the letters DELTA and EPSILON, and the number PI.
The views and opinions expressed by Raymond Chow do not necessarily reflect those of Raymond Chow. I will not be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct or consequential, arising out of the use of, or the inability to use, this hompage. Keep homepage out of children's reach. If a rash develops, discontinue use of homepage. Do not view homepage while driving or operating heavy machinery. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling contents of homepage can be harmful or fatal. Use of this homepage in a manner other than those specified in the manual will void warranty.
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