Dancing Bears!

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There's beauty all around us,
It's in the wispering trees.
It's there in every flower
And every gentle little breeze.
It's in the fluffy clouds,
It's there in the
Sunrises and Sunsets.
You can even find it in
the rain and thunderstorms.
We find it in the songs of birds.
To find true beauty
Look inside of our selves,
and our friends not the outside.
The sweetest part
Is the special beauty
that we find
Within a friendly loving heart.
And that is what you
will find here.
Friendship and Love!
By Me

To enter Just click on the door.
Please come on in.

I would like to Thank my communitity leaders so much for giving me this wonderful award.
I feel so honored to have been chosen to recieve this.I will display it proudly.

Thank you!! White Rose Ladies for giving me this beautiful gift and making me your Choice site.

APRIL, 1999
Thank you!! White Rose Ladies for chosing me for your featured site of the month!!!.

Banner Created By Tricia

Created By Sheri
Most of my graphics I haven't made but got them from others. I take no credit for them. You can find the creators on my Credits page. If I haven't given you credit please let me know so that I can give you the credit that you deserve. I am sorry if I have forgotten anyone.
All the pages you are about to see once you enter my home were created by me. Please don't copy them. I have put a lot of myself into these pages.
If you would like a web page done and don't know how to make one I can help you for a fee.
Click on the link below.
Web Designs By Sandy
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page as a pMonkey.com Hot Site.
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