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Welcome to
Michael Gokey's Cooking Site!

I am looking around at my new homestead. Still a little dirty here. We can't be cooking up a storm yet. So give me a little time to get cleaned up here and then I will invite you in for a great big house warming party.

This site will feature great food and recipes from all over the world. I will be showing off a little, both cooking and website design skills. Have you seen my other main site? Well go see it.

PLease drop me line and let me know you came by. I will be glad to send you an invitation to the party and send you a great recipe as well, if you tell me what kind of recipe you want. Or use my new simple reply form .

I hope you had a safe Independence Day. Please remember to be safe with the BBQ's, fireworks, and the food temperatures. Keep the hot foods Hot and the cold foods Cold. Mostly watch out for drinking and driving.

My geocities name is goke, and you can email me at


I'm going backpacking in a few weeks and am looking for recipes for backpacking. What is a good meal, that is lightweight, easy to cook and clean up and is cheap? Please write me if you have any ideas. All good ideas will be posted.

You are the visitor to my site since July 1, 1997.

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