The Recipe Ring

Hello & Welcome to The Recipe Ring... the hottest place on the WWW for finding fabulous Recipes.
The Recipe Ring is dedicated to providing a link to superior sites on the WWW that contain Recipes. Recipes need not be the only thing available on the site, however some RECIPES must appear. Other Sites that contain lists of Links only should not be submitted here, but rather can be added to Lu's Fabulous Food Links
Commercial sites are not accepted into the Ring at this time.
We have a selection of Recipe Ring Logo's for you to choose from, many submitted by other Recipe Ring members. Choose the one you prefer, but make sure that you change the file name to match the code in the Recipe Ring or you'll get broken images !
Recipe Ring Logos
Thanks to Janet for creating these wonderful
images for the Recipe Ring
Thanks to Donna for creating these tempting images for the Recipe Ring
Thanks to Lucretia for these tempting and fast loading gif images.
Thanks to Mike for these Tasty images !! Stop in and say hello =)
Thanks to Brian for these Tasty images !! Great site definitely worth a visit !
Joining is easy !
- Simply fill out and submit the form below with your Recipe site information and you will be added to the queue.
Once you are added to the queue you will receive your SITE ID#. You will also receive an email from the Ringmaster. Once you have completed the next few steps you will need to send an email to either a random person in the ring or to the RINGMASTER who will review your site and add it ASAP.
Join the Recipe Ring
- Choose from the images above (you need one Recipe Ring logo, and one next site logo) and save a copy to be uploaded to your server. Right click on your mouse and save the first image as "ring2.jpg and the second image as ring3.jpg . If you change the file names when you save you'll need to change the code below to reflect the new file name.
- Copy this Ring Fragment onto the Page that you wish to have the Recipe Ring appear.
<!-- Begin Recipe Ring HTML Fragment -->
<a href="">
<IMG SRC="ring2.jpg" ALT="Main Recipe Ring" WIDTH="172" HEIGHT="111">
This <a href="">
Recipe Ring</A>
site is owned by <A HREF="mailto:_____">______</A>.
Click for the
[<A HREF="">Previous</A>]
[<A HREF="">Random</A>]
[<A HREF="">Next Site</A>]
[<A HREF="">Skip Next</A>]
[<A HREF="">Next 5</A>]
Click here for info on how to join
<A HREF="">The Recipe Ring</A>.
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="ring3.jpg" ALT="Next Recipe Ring" WIDTH="172" HEIGHT="111"></A>
<!-- End Recipe Ring HTML Fragment -->
- Replace all of the ____ after ID= with the site ID number you were assigned when you were added to the queue.
- Replace the ____ in the mailto: with your email address i.e.
and enter your name as the site owner, replacing the second ______ i.e. RecipeLu
- Save these additions to your page and put it up on your site so that it can be reviewed for addition into the ring
- That's it ! Simple enough :) If you're having problems adding this fragment to your page, please feel free to email the Ringmaster
Update Your Ring Link Information
WEB Ring Information
The WEB Ring Home Site