
The website for all descendants of
Eisenbeiss, Eisenbeis, Eisenbeisz, Eisenbeiß, Eisenbise, Icenbice,
Eissenbeys, Eysenbeis, Eyssenbeyss, Eisenpeiss, Isanbess, Yssenbyss, Eisenbeisser, and Eisenbeiser.
Eisenbei� Reunion, June 2004!

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To the best of our knowledge, the name Eisenbeiss dates back to the middle ages, when it was given to a group of Knights in Bohemia, who taunted their opponents by clenching a sword between their teeth.

Contemporary definition:
Eisenbeiß (eyes-en-byes): A person, or persons, who gather every three years to eat kuchen, talk, dance, talk, reminisce, talk, eat, talk about eating, and eat while they talk. (it is suspected that the sword was so placed in an attempt to stop all that talking!)

Search our database!
Search. This is our primary tool to search against our database of Eisenbeiss families and descendants.
What do you find on this site? See NOTE by Henri Eisenbeis regarding this searchable web site. Our team is adding new information almost every day, so come back and search often!

Data in text format. Try this option to view the data in text format as presented in Clydes' Book.

If you wish to report corrections or add other lineages to our database, or to ask questions regarding the family Eisenbeiss, please contact : Clyde at via Clyde's website, Henri at eisenbei@club-internet.fr. , Delores at deisenbeis@insightbb.com. , or Dennis at deisenbeis@geocities.com or d_eisenbeis@yahoo.com

Tools for researchers
Old German print and Handscript.
Old handscript and print looks very different from the lettering commonly used today. Follow this link to find examples of the old style letters.

Wappen( Coat of Arms)
Arms of Eisenbeiss Ancestors
View images of the different Wappen that have been given to the Eisenbeiss Ancestors. Read about the legend of the Woodpecker. Will its curse mean the end of the Eisenbeiss family in the year 2485?

Stories of Eisenbeiss Ancestors!
Stories .
The Revered, the Feared, and even the Weird!
Come read our collection of stories about the oldest, the most prominent, and even darkest amongst the Eisenbeiss family.

Other Eisenbeiss Links
Other stuff
Here is a collection of links to other family members' websites, and other websites containing Eisenbeiss related information, including pictures of the Racehorse Ironbite at his first win.


An International Eisenbeiß Family Reunion is held every three years. The next one will be held 25 - 27 June 2010 or in September / October in Nashville, Tennessee. For more details about the reunion, email Myron Johnson at eisenbeis.reunion@gmail.com.
See also http://www.geocities.com/eisenbeiszz/
This international event was formed initially to allow descendants of the Familie Eisenbeiß to meet and exchange genealogy data. It has evolved to a celebration of our family's different cultures and generally just catch up on what's been happening for the last 400 years.

Eisenbeiß (eyes-en-byes): A person, or persons, who gather every three years to eat kuchen, talk, dance, talk, reminisce, talk, eat, talk about eating, and eat while they talk.

The Book!
The limited quantities of "The Eisenbeiss Family History & Genealogy, 8th edition", sold quickly!! This wonderful compilation of letters, histories, maps, coat-of-arms, includes the extensive genealogy listing for all families Eisenbeiss back to the 1500's.

The genealogy data contained in the book can be accessed through the search engines from this website. Please let us know if you have corrections or additions. Don't miss the opportunity to get future copies of this wonderful book! Please see the order forms by going here!!

Also, be sure to enjoy the muscial stylings of Mike Bergman and Clyde Eisenbeis at http://mikeandclyde.com

The Research
Clyde Eisenbeis began researching the Eisenbeiss name in 1980 by writing letters to various Eisenbeiss families throughout North Dakota and South Dakota. Over the next couple of decades the research expanded in an attempt to record every Eisenbeiss that ever lived in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the rest of the world. During that time, hundreds of people joined in the research and made contributions to the genealogy lineage.
Special acknowledgement is given to Clyde Eisenbeis of North Dakota, Albert Eisenbeiss of Germany, Henri Eisenbeis of France, and the late Christian D. Eisenbeis of California for their long term commitment to this extensive effort.

For corrections, comments, or complaints about this website, please contact Dennis Eisenbeis at deisenbeis@geocities.com

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This website has been accessed so many times since it was first created on 10/26/96 that we broke the counter!.