A Banana Catalogue

The Home of the Catalogue of Banana Stickers
This is the place to learn what stickers (labels) are found worldwide!
Here are examples of some scarcer labels. If anyone has extras please contact me.
~ The images were copied from the Josef Binder collection ~

 Catalogue cover
The Catalogue (which is currently 'sold out') consists of 150 pages with b&w illustrations of more than 2000 different banana labels, fully indexed, and featuring two color plates. Also included are copies of the New Additions pages.

You can still view labels in the past additions.

Original NA pages 1 through 5 - in color!

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For more information on the Catalogue of Banana Stickers e-mail me

Already have all the New Additions pages but can't keep track of all the labels?
View the New Additions in alphabetical order online!

Do you have an unlisted label? Labels are needed for the next set of New Additions pages. Please send an example of your new finds to me: Gerri Lorenzo, PO Box 1262, Visalia CA 93279-1262. Thanks!

Links to other sites on the Web:
Klement Cepon
Becky's Gone Bananas
Bill's Banana Label Republic
Boris & Rudi's Completely Bananoia
John Kirchner's Bananacarril
Josef Binder Homepage
Michael Ebnet-Feit's Piabanana
Ellie Miller's Bananquit
Peter Niessen's Bananadreams
Fran Wolotko
Joan Weinmayr's Annies-Bananies
Sam Winters' Fruit With 'A Peel'

Banana Boxes

Pepito box

You've seen the labels,
now you can see some of the boxes!

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Thanks for stopping by! Please come back often to see the latest New Additions

Original page layout by Jim Gower.

© Copyright 1998-2009 by Gerri Lorenzo All rights reserved