Menus & More

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If you're anything like I am, you enjoy cooking, but the whole process of fixing a meal would be so much easier if someone would just tell you what to fix! Menu planning has always been a much so, that I would find myself at 5:00PM saying, "What shall we have for dinner?" About 5 years ago I found a cure for that. I began planning my menus, a week in advance and based around what was on sale! It did three things ... 1)We ate before all hours of the night. 2)We had variety. 3)Our budget appreciated the difference in the food bill. So with those thoughts in mind...I wanted this to be more than another site with a few good recipes! Enjoy, and if you have some favorite menus or recipes at your house, please share... I'd love to add them to my collection, and pass them on here!

Breakfast the day starter!

Lunch...Bag and Beyond!

Snack Attack!

A Dozen Dinners

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