John DeCarlo --
Beer, Brewing,
and Personal Info
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Last Updated 23 September 2004
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My interests include:
Brewing and Beer
I belong to the Brewers United
For Real Potables (BURP) homebrewers club.
I now buy more of the beer I drink than I brew, so here are some interesting
pointers to:
I also judge beer, having achieved the rank of
Certified Judge within the Beer Judge Certification Program.
And, because I feared this would be buried in the links stuff, here is
a Mead Record-keeping sheet, designed by Gordon
Olson. It is in Microsoft Word format. If you don't have access to
that program, there is a free
program for viewing Microsoft Word documents.
John's Family
My family consists of me, Karen, and our three
children: Margaret, Zachary, and Dominic.
Sometimes they let me drink beer.
My lovely wife Karen even lets me brew beer from time to time.
John's Work Travel
My work travel takes me around
the US and even internationally. Here are some pictures.
I bowl, and participate in the
Fantasy Bowling League.
In real life, I am not currently in a bowling league.
If you want a site with lots of good bowling info and links, try
Bob Ashley's site.
Swedish Info
I am trying to expand my information on this subject, so I moved my Swedish
Info to another page.
Latest Quote
You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.
-Jeanette Rankin
Latest Joke
Did you ever wonder what this world would be like,
without any hypothetical situations?
Don't look at my typical weekly schedule.
And, for those who wonder what I do in my spare
Just for those musically inclined, here is a selection by ATTAIGNANT,
Pierre (c. 1494 - 1551-52)
For more Renaissance and other Early Music, check out The
Internet Renaissance Band
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