Swan amateur radio net operations are conducted by amateur radio
enthusiasts interested in employing amateur radio equipment manufactured
by the former Swan Electronics of Oceanside, California. Swan User Net
organizers also support the retention of electron tube technology and
provide on-the-air associated technical discussions at scheduled net
meetings. Current Swan Net schedules: Swan User Net - NOTE CHANGE: Sunday 2100GMT
on 14250Khz. Swan Technical Nets - Wednesday 2300GMT
on 14251Khz. Saturday 2-4PM eastern time on 7235Khz. Those unable to
check-in during scheduled net meetings can access our various on-line "QSO" rooms or subscribe to our Swan-Net mail list. Both the QSO room and Swan-Net mail list options are powerful methods of contacting other Swan and vintage radio enthusiasts for the purpose of exchanging greetings and technical information.
The current Swan News is issue #10 and has been mailed to those on the Swan Radio Net mailing list. The text version is available to anyone via E-Mail.
The primary intent of the Swan Net is to showcase our Swan equipment on the air and exchange any needed technical information. However, both the Swan User and Swan Tech Nets are open to all amateur radio stations - many of our regular check-ins employ other brands of vintage American radios as well as a few giving us a taste of something from the Orient.
The inaugural Swan Net Jamboree is in the books! A year ago Jim Singleton had a vision which he shared with all Swan Net participants and Swan radio collectors. "Why not arrange and conduct a special event for the Swan User Group?" Through hard work and well thought-out planning, that vision became a reality in Las Vegas during the weekend of 20-22 September 2002. With untiring help from Jim's wife Sandy, the couple organized one of the most orderly and finest social gatherings that the majority of attendees had ever witnessed. A
precedent has certainly been set for any Swan Jamboree organizer that may follow in the years to come.
Photos of the event can been seen at: Swan Radio Jamboree 2002
Since many of you present lit up the hospitality and banquet areas with flash cameras, there may have been other interesting images captured. In fact, anything you have on film that is associated with your trip to and from Las Vegas might be of interest to others. Such photos can be e-mailed to Sy609@juno.com or paper mailed to Stu/K4BOV for possible inclusion on the Swan Jamboree 2002 page.
We are open to submission of pictures from our Swan Net participants showing them in their earlier years. We are currently posting these pictures at: Swan Net Group: Days Gone By.... .
More current pictures showing yourself in your ham shack, on the tower, in the mobile, etc. are presently being posted at: Vintage Sideband Net Gallery and Swan Net Gallery.
Pictures you wish to include can be sent either through the U S Post Office or via e-mail.
The Swan Radio QSO Room is open 24 hours a day and accessed by clicking on the button below. No special password is required in order to enter this chat room. It is only necessary to enter a username, nickname or callsign, etc in the blank that appears in the chat frame. If you need technical assistance or any other information concerning Swan Net operations, a Swan Net coordinator will be in the Swan Radio QSO Room on Wednesday evenings 2300GMT and Saturday afternoons 2-4PM.
Cubic Communications, former manufacturer of both Swan and Cubic amateur radio equipment, has authorized Jim Singleton Publications(formerly Brock Publications) to produce Instruction and Operating Manuals associated with all Swan and Cubic amateur radio communications equipment and accessories. In recent years, Atlas and Siltronix Radio manuals have been added to the list of available publications.
Orders and inquiries can be made to:
Jim Singleton Publications
Subscribe Address: Swan-Net-subscribe@topica.com
Unsubscribe Address: Swan-Net-unsubscribe@topica.com
Posting Address: Swan-Net@topica.com
Submit Questions, Comments or Suggestions to:
Jim Singleton Publications
PO Box 576
Gardnerville, NV 89410
(775) 266 9586
E-mail: WA5BDR@gbis.com
PO Box 576
Gardnerville, NV 89410
(775) 266 9586
Other Swan Radio Network pages:
Swan Net Visitor Gallery
Swan & Vintage Radio TechLine
Swan Radio Network Exchange Links
Swan & Vintage Radio Trader
Swan General Hobby & Sports News
Swan Net Silent Keys
Swan Virtual Museum
Vintage Sideband Net Operations
United Team Motorsports
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