
This site is dedicated to my 1994 Formula Firebird.

I haven't messed with page in a LONG time. But I'm going to get on it. I have a lot of new mods that I will be posting, along with a bunch of new pictures. Stay tuned.

Craig's 94 Nitrous Pumped

Formula Firebird

1994 Ram Air Formula Firebird

NA: 13.387@102.76

N2O/100 Shot: 12.441@114.18

Follow me along my path to improve the performance of this awesome LT1 powered car.

Check out my mods.

Take a look at my picture page!!!

Formula factoy look FOGLIGHTS how to.

Nitrous Express EFI Kit #20920 Insatll

Racetronix F-LT1 Fuel Pump Insatll

Check outMy DYNO run page.

The BLACK TB Cover will take you to more LT1 powered FORMULAS and other F-Body links, the RED one will take you to 93-96 Firebird production numbers, and the BLUE one will take you to info on MY FORMULA!!

LT1 Formula 
links 93-96 Production 
# My 


The Formula Source

Please come back soon and visit me.

© 1998

Drop me a line

This page is owned and operated by Craig Hillsman..Webmaster @ Formula Power.
With a lot of help from Joe Airaudi..Technical Advisor @ Formula Power.

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This Pontiac Formula WebRing site owned by Craig Hillsman.
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