PK's Import Car Showcases

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Welcome! Here you'll find different showcases on cars that deserve to be seen with extended informations on them, ranging from modifications to sounds. All those showcases are dedicated to imported cars (mostly Honda and Acura models) for the only reason that I always like driving them more than any other american-made car. A link section is available displaying good places to visit for automotive informations and aftermarket parts. Also, in case you've been searching around for pictures of a rusty 1981 Buick Regal, you've come to the right place...

Here we go:

Showcase section : This section contains all the showcases available.

Links section : This section contains links to websites devoted to aftermarket parts and performance for import cars. There's also links to places I visit regularly (racing game-related sites for example).

Car submission and contacts section : This section contains informations regarding the submission of cars to PK's Import Car Showcases and how to contact me.

Many files that can be downloadded from my site are in Zip format, being a way to compress files into smaller ones. To decompress those kinds of files, I recommend a great utility called "Winzip", which can be downloadded from this link:

This Honda/Acura Power site owned by PK Morey.
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There's been visitors to PK's Import Car Showcases since March 1999.


All rights reserved. All pages Copyright © 1998, 1999, 2000 by PK Morey