Welcome To My Taurus SHO page

This site is dedicated to my 1989 Taurus SHO. I bought this car in August of '99 for $2,500 and I love it. I have wanted A SHO ever since I can remember, I don't remember how I found out what a Taurus SHO was but every time I saw one go by I would say to myself I am going to get one of those. Then recently I stumbled across shotimes.com and I realized that it was a whole lot more car than it looked, several weeks later my Chevy Lumina Euro 3.1 caught on fire, so I began looking for another car.
  I finally found it on
classified2000.com. It was a 1989 Taurus SHO, Black, 113,000 miles, the guy was asking $2,600, I went and saw it a week later and bought it. Since then the car has been doing great exept for an oil leak that I have to keep an eye on, but I wouldn't give it up for my life, well maybe .... if someone offered me a Porsche 911 (my next car in about 10 years) I might. But anyway, enough of my ramblings. If your still reading by the time you get here leave me a message in the guestbook and include in your meassage the car you drive. See ya around :)

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This Site Owned by: Chris Cross