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Lionne från sidan

Lionne med sponsordekal

This is the "RacingKamraterna Stockholm motorklubb"'s racings homepage. We are looking for a new team logo, and team name. Joe bar will do for the moment We are doing some racing at a lowbudget all-for-fun basis. Out first car was a volvo 140.

After Betsy we choose to run a Peugeot 205 in the same series. She is built according to the rules of our serie which are: Car not newer than 10 years. Max 4 cylinders and 8 valves. Engine from the same maker as the body. Original carb or injection setup.

Send a mail to us if you want to get in touch with us.

The story of ole Betsy // Linköpings MS (Track Page) // Racing Series Page

Race Reports in english: (Sv=Sviestad, Ma=Mantorp Park)

1997: Ma 8 hour 18/5. !! Sv 26/10. 1998: Sv 26/4. !! Sv 28/6 !! Sv 8/8

1999: Sv 17/4 !! Sv 23/5 !! Sv 3/7 !! Sv 21/8 !! Sv 18/9

2000: Sv 29/4 !! Sv 12/6 !! Sv 7/8 !! Sv 20/9 !! Sv 16/9 !! Sv 14/10

2001: Sv 5/5 !! Sv 9/6 !! Sv 7/7 !! Sv 11/8 !! Sv 15/9 !! Sv 20/10

2002: !! Inte ett race *snyft*!! !!

2003: Sv 10/5 !! Sv 31/5 !! Sv 5/7 !! Sv 16/8 !! Sv 13/9 !! Sv 11/10

2004: Sv 5/6 !! Sv 14/8 !! Sv 14/8 !! Lionne berättar om bilsportmässan !!

2005: Sv 14/5 !! Sv 11/6 !! Sv 9/7 !! Sv 13/8 !! Sv 10/9 !! Sv 1/10 !!

!! Useful? Books. In swedish

Some pictures of the cars

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