Don't zig-zag around the gate come checkout
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06/15/91 - 01/12/06
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Golf is a game of imperfection and making corrections. The ball doesn't always go where you want it too.
Marquette Park... very wet about a 3rd of the way from tie off on #4, just it front of green on # 5, to the tie off to # 6. some spot midway to #7 green. Course plays well other then that.
Flagg Creek... a bit pricely but I'll play it at spring rates $13, waiting for Merquette Park to dry out a bit. $18 is way to much to pay for 9 holes.
Green Meadows... is not a $14 course at most it's $12 course. Season discount golf cards for non-residents should only be $20 NOT $40 or a bigger discount.
NOTE: Thinking of buying golf equipment from you should go checkout review on them before doing so ...
is a good way to screw up a good walk.

- Give a Man a Fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a Man to Fish and he will sit in a boat and drink Beer all day.
- A man's got to believe in something...I believe I'll go fishing!

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