Don't zig-zag around the gate come checkout

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06/15/91 - 01/12/06
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< Corvettes that I had in the past. >
Golf is a game of imperfection and making corrections. The ball doesn't always go where you want it too.
  • Marquette Park... very wet about a 3rd of the way from tie off on #4, just it front of green on # 5, to the tie off to # 6. some spot midway to #7 green. Course plays well other then that.
  • Flagg Creek... a bit pricely but I'll play it at spring rates $13, waiting for Merquette Park to dry out a bit. $18 is way to much to pay for 9 holes.
  • Green Meadows... is not a $14 course at most it's $12 course. Season discount golf cards for non-residents should only be $20 NOT $40 or a bigger discount.
  • IL Chicago Park District Golf Flagg Creek Green Meadows MI Fawn Crest
    NOTE: Thinking of buying golf equipment from you should go checkout   review on them before doing so ...
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    Thanks to my doctors Dr.Brenner and Dr.Tessalee,  for getting me in at the right time and Dr.Muasher my cardiac surgeon with the staff at LaGrange Memorial Hospital that I'm still here today.
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     is a good way to screw up a good walk.

    • Give a Man a Fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a Man to Fish and he will sit in a boat and drink Beer all day.
    • A man's got to believe in something...I believe I'll go fishing!

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