Our Digs | The Lineup | Waiting | The Parade | People 1People 2 | People 3 |
After the Party | Backseat Biker Bitch TipsLinks

On Friday, June 12, Harley and i set out riding North on the Ol' Curley Davidson, along with Rick and Carol.  Looking up at the threatening skies that pelted us with about three dozen or so bowling ball-sized raindrops we rode forth, faster to keep ahead of the weather.

Our destination:  Milwaukee, Wisconsin
For what, fer cry eye:  The Harley Davidson 95th Anniversay Celebration!

We were told before-hand that 85,000 tickets had been sold and that the parade for Saturday (led by Jay Leno, big freaking deal i never saw him so i don't believe he was there!) would be "limited" to 5,000 bikes.  5,000!  I was curious as to who was going to count 5,000 bikes, and who was going to tell ol' #5,001 that he had to go find a seat to watch it?  Shyeah right!

It turns out, from published reports later, that over 100,000 spectators were there, and the Sunday papers reported that there were 50,000 bikes in the parade!!!  Guess that meant that no one was told there was no more room.

These pages contain a short documentation of the events of that weekend, as seen from the back seat of a Candy-Apple-Red Sportster 1200 called the

Email: ibpiglet@interaccess.com

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This Tribute to the Harley Davidson 95th Reunion was created by IbePiglet on July 15, 1998 using Microsoft Publisher