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Welcome to my site. I'm just trying out some stuff, so don't expect too much... Enjoy!
First off about myself; my name is: Marlon Andrea. I'm living in the caribbean, to be exact on a small
island just in front of the coast of Venezuela. The island is known as the diver's paradise
and it's called Bonaire.
As you will see this page is about my V6 Ford mustang i bought two years ago.
The photo you can see below is recently, and in the background you can see
something that looks like snowmountains. Forget it! On Bonaire
its always 28 degrees celcius, so no snow or ice will last for more than 1 minute.
These are just salt mountains.
Many thanks to my cyberfriend STANGMAN, click here to visit his page (link)....
Need more info of the island of Bonaire ? (Netherlands Antilles) (link)
Do you know what CIA thinks of Netherlands Antilles&Aruba????(Wow!) (link)
Calculate wich day of the week you were born (Javascript)....
After you know wich day you're born, lets play some boring game (Javascript)....
Do you already know what's in you're name? If not click here to find out.. (link)
Now, beside mustangs, we have plenty of other cars rolling on the island.
So on my page i dedicated some space to my friends and their cars. One of them is Mr. Dick...
Also, we have a lot of motorcycles roaring on the roads of BONAIRE.
So the following link will take you to my friend CHANDI, who owns powerfull 750CC KAWASAKI.
Aftter the CHANDI story , let's go back a little in History...
My first car was a VW, not a beetle, but a VW TL 1600 CC double carburator.
I rebuild that ugly green thing myself, and with my friend the MASTERBURK i finally
got a VW 1800CC that would kick some butt.....Although it looked like some tramp for pigeons.
My second car......
And naturally some greetings to my friends in CURACAO, MASTERBURK with his turbo RX-7,
On BONAIRE we have about 15 mustangs driving around, from '64 stangs, till '95 models.
Next link will take you to more mustang's.
OK, i think you have seen enough cars, so especially for my friend EDGAR in CURACAO
i have a photo of my house. I've invited him many times to come and spent a weekend on BONAIRE, naturally
he can stay at my home. But he still haven't taken my invitation yet, so EDGAR, if you're
on the WEB, take a look at :
That's all Folks!!
Hasta la vista and thanks for visiting my page....
email me at: