That’s us, we don’t always dress like that. Our son was getting married
that day, so we had to look good. From left to right: Sylvia, Jeff (the
oldest of the two boys), Greg (the one getting married) and me Bill.
Sylvia and I met back when the two of us were in high school
(deferent schools) that was back in the late 50's. We married July 10 1965,
that was after waiting till I finished my three years in the Army and getting
in the work grove.
Stay with these web pages for a few minutes to see if there's
anything you like. If you stick around you'll see a few pictures of the
family and some words about our hobbies and interest. I hope to include
links to most of my favorite web sites.
Be sure to send me an email if you like the site, and if you
don't like it, let me know that also.
Be sure to stop by page 5 and 6 of this site to see some art work by my Grandfather Nicholas Codori. The image to the left is just one the sketches that are in his book. I have selected a few pages to share with you.