Welcome to Chris Winter Racing
Home of 31 Racing
Links to pics of my race cars
The Pure Stock: 1999
The Pure Stock: 2000
The Midwest Modified: 2000
The Street Stock: 2001
Super Stock 2002
Street Stock 2002
Street Stock 2003
Street Stock 2004
Super Stock 2005
Super Stock 2006
Street Stock 2007
Thanks for checking out my website.  I put in 47 races in 2007 and on the 48 night (Sept 8th) I rolled off of turn 1 at Viking Speedway and destroyed the car.  Picked up my first ever street stock win June 30th at Viking Speedway.  Second career win (also won in the Super Stock at KRA on Sept 1, 2005) I have pics from 2007 under the 2007 heading.  How much I race and where is still up in the air for 2008.   I have my old 2003 car available to race along with a new Sturdy motor and will also be running a NATCO TH 200 transmission this year. 

Final results for the season were 5th in points at Fiesta City Speedway, 9th in points at KRA Raceway, and 4th in points at Viking Speedway. Finished 34th in national points even after missing the 30 for missing the Wissota 100. 

Tentatively I plan on racing at KRA and Madison as much as possible and either Fiesta City or Red River Valley as time allows.  Will be racing at Viking Speedway some, but will not be there weekly. 
I also want to thank my parents, my wife, Dennis and PeeWee Kuhnau, Denny Long and everyone else at RaceStar Chassis for there help in past seasons and upcoming seasons. 
Check out my cool link!!
*The Sponsors Page*

      Email me at tornado@runestone.net
Feb 18, 2008