Hi I'm Mark!

This web site is dedicated to my motorcycle, a Kawasaki KLR650 A13.
This is the best dual sport bike around, for the money anyway.
It is the best "mountain bike" I've ever ridden. It will take on the high speeds of the interstate, and then go just about anywhere I aim it. Through creeks and dirt roads and mud.
Check out the pictures link below to see it.
Check out the pics of my trip to North Georgia Mountain too!!
So far I have put the Kawi tank and tail bags on it. And I have a Garmin eMap, and MapSource TOPO maps to load in it, so I can find my way anywhere I want to go. Yea right! LOL! At least I can find my way back, when I'm ready. I have also put a Universal Vista Cruse throtle lock on it and pro-gel grips. I have Progressive front fork springs that make it ride and jump alot better..And it dosent dive like the stock springs when braking. I put in 15W fork oil.

I have a MSR skid plate. It is an excelent fit, and is exactly like the Moose. I have the Acerbis disk protectors, hand guards, and a Kawi rear master cly. cover too. I have also put Tim Bernards "Happy Trails" highway bars on it. They are nice to have while on the 100 miles or so, I have to make, to get to the really good trails. And Aerostitch tank panners for extra luggage when I need them. There are some new pics of my bike on my other web site. Link below.
Now I have a Givi 45l topcase, and I'm still working on Givi side boxes. Check MotorMarks Mods for pix. thats on my other klr website.

I have put the Supertrapp IDS2 exhaust on the bike. It sounds great.

My KLR has a name- "The Warthogg"!
Beware of imposters! 8^}

Join the Dixie Dual Sport Motorcycle Club
I set up a club that dual sport riders can post their own d/s pics. It has a chat room and message board there. There is also a calender that I hope everybody will use to post important days for Dual Sport rides and motorcycle shows and stuff like that.

Dixie Dual Sport Welcome Page

Click Here To Join DDSMC on Yahoo Clubs!

Bikes I've had:
"83" Yamaha 550 Vision (European Model)
Yamaha 175 enduro (they weren't called dual sport back then)
Yamaha 125 enduro
3 Honda 3 wheelers, of various sizes.
Yamaha RAZZ Scooter
"87" XR 250R that I have now!


In memory of Eric Jasniewicz



My Other KLR650 Web-Site Has My Latest KLR650 Modifications & Cool Links. ------ Check it out after your done here!! 8^}

Click Here to see My Other KLR650 Web-Site



What does Tennesee do to a State Senator who kills a biker in a Hit-and-Run accident?
Tennessee names a Highway after the Senator!
Read about the AMA's response.


Check out & sign my new guestbook!
Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
Or E-Mail me!

{^8 HAVE A NICE RIDE!! 8^}

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Do it in the Dirt!! :o}
KLR's Rule!!!!!!!!!!

--- PICTURES ---
Mudd slinging in Lilburn

2 dirty KLR's

My New Scooter!! :o} KLR 650 A-13

My Trip To N Georgia Mountains Pics. page 1

My Trip To N Ga Mnt Pics page 2

or here for More Pictures

--- COOL LINKS ---

Arrowhead Motorsports

Dual Sport News

DUAL STAR Motorcycle Adventure Outfitters

The Thumper Page

Motorcycle Online

Two Wheels Only - Motorcycle Resort & Campground

Happy Trails Motorcycle Products

Arnes MAC-D Homepage

Bicycle Carriers for Motorcycles

Stone Mountain Park-Georgia

Click Here to see my other KLR650 Web-Site

Click here for NASA homepage.

Click here for Access Atlanta


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