- The Colorado Probe Owner's Club has been started. If you would like to join, or just stop in, then check out the link below to get there. We curently have 20+ members, but we are looking for more. If you are from the state of Colorado,or live in a state near here, and you own a Probe or MX-6, or are thinking about buying one, then please stop by. If you would like to learn more about your car, or just get together and BS for awhile about cars then check it out! We are trying to get this club off the ground so let us know what you think.
- Now to our cars, a 1990 PGT(Redwulf), and a 1993 PGT(Lonewulf). The 90PGT has run into many problems and this seems to be the latest and the hardest one. Check out the Redwulf page for more information on this car and to see the update on the four cylinder monster.
- The 93PGT has had quite a lot done to it lately. Please check out the Lonewulf page to see more on this car.
- Well you might ask what the wulf thing is all about, and well it was going to be a theme for a car club called The PACK! But it never got up and running so to speak. Instead we have formed a car club called Velocity Concepts, which is mainly a Ford club, but there are a few exceptions. If you would like to check it out, or become a member then click on the link below.
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© 1998 Chris Garrison
Proud Member of the Probe Webring: