Webhome of Bryan Corbitt

Come take a ride in my Dragula!

Hi, I'm Bryan. I am currently trying to catch up on many things on this site and am trying to improve the overall quality. Those of you that have seen my first attempt at being a web guru will notice a HUGE improvement in this site. Wanna see my first site? Click here. See your own car here? Many of you might see your own car on one of the History pages as many pictures were taken from the VetteNet.

As you may have guessed, this site will be dedicated to one of the greatest performance cars ever, the Chevrolet Corvette. I currently own a 1978 Silver Anniversary C3. The C3 stands for the third generation of the Corvette marquee. You can see the current status of my car by going here. This page includes options included on my car, background of the car, and modifications performed or in the works. I also plan to have a history of the Corvette on this site as well. Please bare with me as I build this site into something all Corvette Websurfers can be proud of. Sorry for the long load time. Thanks and enjoy!!!

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Bryan Corbitt.

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Hits since 6-18-98
In loving memory of Tom Corbitt: June 3, 1952-November 14, 1997.