Welcome to my page about my International Scout II.
LAST UPDATE: January 22, 2004
In 1977 my wife and I bought our Scout and have been in and out of love with it ever since. It has been through a lot and has given us both pleasure and grief. Many is the time that I wanted to sell it but there is just something about owning a Scout that I love.
After a huge snowstorm and major problems getting to work we decided that we had a need for a 4X4. We narrowed our choices down to two: a Scout or a Jimmy. The Scout won out but the Lethbridge IH dealer didn't have one with the features that we wanted. He tracked one down for us in Milk River, we drove out to see it, and not long after bought it. It didn't have cruise control but that was installed by the dealer before we picked it up.
click to see a scan of the line setting ticket
Our "Honeymoon" at Banff in 1977 (We were married in 1975 but went straight to new jobs)
The paint was hardly dry when we had our first collision
Someone ran a red light and smashed into my wife in an intersection. No major injuries but we did have to
make a major decision. Do we get it repaired or not?
We decided to get the repairs done.
Another view of the damage.
We felt pretty sick about the whole thing, but what can you do but hope for the best.
Major thunderstorm on our street in 1982 Another view of the scout in the lake on our street
Holidays 1983 Emma Lake Saskatchewan
An annoying problem with the gas pedal
© 2001 brlix@shaw.ca