Tea-man's Indycar 2 Track Editing FAQ

COPYRIGHT (C) 1998 BY tea-man (sm) tea-man@geocities.com. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (C) 1998. The name tea-man (sm) is a service mark in the identification of the author in the services and production track editing data in the field of racing simulation. This site "tea-man's (sm) ICR2 Track Editing FAQ" and the service mark "tea-man" (sm) of the author has NOT BEEN SANCTIONED BY, or has NO RELATIONSHIP WITH, or PARTNERSHIP WITH PAPYRUS (tm), SIERRA ONLINE (tm), INDYCAR (tm), NASCAR (tm). This site only reflects the thoughts and view of the author tea-man (sm) and does not reflect the thoughts or views of PAPYRUS (tm), SIERRA ONLINE (tm), INDYCAR (tm), NASCAR (tm).

ThE tea-man@geocities.com address IS NOW forwarding to my main e-mail account. Last updated on June 1998 (boy is this information old).
FAQ: How do you change that banking?
Example: [deleted] Austrailia's Chicane. Move the walls
FAQ: Quick info on the trk file?
Get the zip file of the *.trk File definition and a utility to unpack and repack it?


The number of times I checked my homepage to see if it was still here.

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