Southern Wisconsin Railcar Group Presents:
Hello and Welcome to Jim's Railroad Motorcars Web Page! Railroad motorcars or speeders were used by Railroad companies to transport personnel and equipment for track inspections and maintenance of way purposes. For the most part, they have been replaced by Hy-Rail pick up trucks. These pages illustrate my involvement in the hobby of restoring and operating these units for recreation and enjoyment. I hope you enjoy the pictures and stories found here. Look for more changes and additions in the days ahead. Your comments regarding this page are always welcome. Just click on the E- Mail icon. Be sure to sign the guest book too! Thanks! Jim Kalrath A new section was added to the WHRC web site. Its called "WHRC Poll" . The purpose of this page is to let you, a valued WHRC site used have a say in what you would like to see. Please look at the list and check the topic that you either currently enjoy on this page or would like to see added. We will consider this information during future development of this web site. Click here to check it out.
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