
Welcome to Marook's page!

Hi, I'm Marook. Welcome to my home page. Look around a bit, and enjoy this nice picture of Sgt.Schultz from Hogan's Heroes, okay? See ya.

I zee nutting!

If you are a big (or small) Hogans Heroes fan, you'll dig these sound clips!

Download classic Shultz (90K .wav file)

Download General Burkhalter's best pick up line (260K .wav file)

Check out Shultz gettin' badass (146K .wav file)

A lame Shultz impression done by Klink (129K .wav file)

Klink freaked out about his physical (290K .wav file)

There is no way a soldier like Shultz would have made sergeant (156K .wav file)

If you want sound clips that are not from Hogans Heroes,
check out the official Marook soundclips page

There is also a small tribute to Phil Hartman,
you might remember him as actor Troy McClure

Here it is! The one you've been waiting for! That's right, I'm talking about the
official General Burkhalter ate my balls page!

Not to mention the only Captain Kirk ate Sam's balls page in existance!

And as a bonus, the Ruk ate Shmitters balls page!

Yes! The Ned Flanders ate Joe Don Bakers balls page!

Hey man, sign my guestbook

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I've never met a Monster Magnet fan I didn't like

Check it out!

The one and only Demonwatch Tribute page

Want something to do? Then checkout Cheek's page

Come on folks, let's get puffed!
Ripping tribute to the big puffy star of the MST3K classic MITCHELL!

Love ya, Jen (schmoopey)
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