I'm John and my wife is Marisa. Welcome to our home page.

These photos were taken Marisa's nephew Mr J.J.

One of the many outdoor markets in Thailand. They are so colorful and are very inexpensive.

These pictures were taken in the hills of western Maryland near Fort Ritchie where I spent 5 tours of duty in the Army 1968 through 1985.

Some of our friends having a light meal on the back porch.

Marisa cooked all day to get ready for this party. She likes this seabass dish the best of all.

This was Marisa's first snow. WOW!

This was Marisa's first spring in Maryland.

Marisa has a green thumb.

The furniture collection started over 30 years ago and is from China, Thailand, Vietnam and Japan.

Marisa likes to sit out on the porch in the summer.

Go to Thailand vacation photos

Thai movies list.

Thai novels list.

Family and friends photos
Thailand vacation plans

John's other web site.

Go to Motor toys page.
"Dogs and more dogs."
Home Christmas vacation 2007.

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