Welcome to Jeff's Fiero Page

Dedicated to America's only mid-engine sports car ......



"Perhaps never before...did any 2 place passenger car offer so much to so many for so little." - G. Witzenburg



¨ Fiero History ¨

Origins and Year by Year History of the Fiero


¨ '88 Fiero history ¨

Brief history I threw together on the Fiero's best year


¨ '88 Fiero (and others) Pictures ¨¨ <currently being upgraded, sorry>

Includes pictures of Fiero's and other great Pontiacs


¨ '88 Suspension Chirp- ¨

Taken from the Michigan Fiero site, explains how to fix the chirp on some '88s


¨ '88 Owners Database ¨ ¨

Click here for more information on the '88 Fiero owners database, by John Willhoff


¨ First For '88 Fiero ¨

Yet another first for the Fiero!


¨ Brock Yates Editorial ¨ V¨

Interesting article on GM's stupid business practices


¨ Interesting Fiero stuff ¨ ¨

Not originally mine, but still cool


¨ Fiero VS. MR2 ¨ ¨

I know this is on many sites but I had to put it on for non-Fiero enthusiasts



¨ Fiero Features ¨ ¨

Very informative for non-Fiero enthusiasts...


¨ Engine Fire Myth ¨ ¨

Maybe it's not a 'myth' but this is to set the whole "Fiery Death Trap" stereotype straight


¨ Nitrous and Fiero's! ¨ ¨

Extensive information on everyone's favorite laughing gas and Hp enhancer, N2O !!! (by Mike LeCompte)


¨ Fiero Safety ¨ ¨

This is a must read for anyone who thinks Fiero's aren't safe!


¨ Price Guide ¨ ¨

Not mine but it is very nicely put together and quite accurate in searching for Fiero values, small spotters guide also included in here, check it out.


¨ Fiero Humor ¨¨

This is funny, a must read!


¨ Fiero Praises ¨

Various awards the Fiero received in its lifetime


¨ IMSA GTU Racing Fiero ¨ ¨

Information about the not so well known IMSA GTU Fiero


¨ Trans Am seats in Fiero's! ¨

This article was written by John Psolka, he completed the project and I just wanted on my site because I think it is a good alternative to expensive leather seat covers, that is if you can find cheap Trans Am seats ;-)


¨ Fiero Body Panels  ¨

This is a very detailed view of Fiero Body Panels and what they were made of


¨ My Projects ¨ ¨

Here is a small page about my current/future upgrade projects


¨ Links ¨

These are all working links to great Fiero sites!





 Pissed on a Rustang 5.slow lately?






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***LAST UPDATED January 17th, 2000***


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