Where Rock'n'Roll, HD Radio , XM Radio, Dancing, and Sat.Nite Cruisin is still
**"still cruisin after all these years !" **
My 2005 DreamCruiser by Chrysler..
Lava Red Pearl.. Series 4... Limited Edition 1500 built, 1271 were automatics.. 219 sticks ...
** ** Class of "69"** **
My Love for Cars and Music
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Welcome to my website. I hope you enjoy your stay .Sign my guestbook or Email me..... Thank You...
As you see,I love.. fast..cars , short shorts,!!
Listening to music of the 60's 70's and 80's !! and Counsin Brucie Sat. nites XM ch 6
Some of my interests: Racing,Restoring,& Turning wrenches on old Musclecars, CRUISN'with my Honda V-45 Magna or in my PT on Sat.Nite to the oldies.