banner.jpg (9686 bytes)

As of 07.04.2003
Click on the thumbnail to view a full size image of each animal.

pythons.jpg (2330 bytes)

supertigerretic1tn.JPG (11141 bytes)

normalretic1tn.JPG (11844 bytes)

1.0 Super Tiger Reticulated Python
Python reticulatus

0.1 66% Het Albino Reticulated Python
Python reticulatus

normalburm1tn.JPG (9199 bytes)

albinoburm1tn.JPG (7675 bytes)

albinoburm2tn.JPG (9260 bytes)

1.0 Burmese Python
Python molorus bivittatus

1.0 Albino Burmese Python
Python molorus bivittatus

maleijcarpet1tn.JPG (8247 bytes)

femaleijcarpet1tn.JPG (6660 bytes)

1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python
Morelia spilota variegata

0.1 Irian Jaya Carpet Python
Morelia spilota variegata

dagball1tn.JPG (10245 bytes) fball1mel_tn.JPG (7811 bytes) fball2mel_tn.JPG (6961 bytes) fball3mel_tn.JPG (7125 bytes)

0.1 Ball Python
Python regius

0.1 Ball Python
Python regius

0.1 Ball Python
Python regius

0.1 Ball Python
Python regius

alball1tn.JPG (12220 bytes)

spauldingball1tn.JPG (11173 bytes)

1.0 Ball Python
Python regius

0.1 Ball Python
Python regius

1.0 100% Het Albino Ball Python
Python regius
0.1 Ball Python
Python regius
0.1 Ball Python
Python regius
0.1 Ball Python
Python regius
0.1 Ball Python
Python regius

barneckscrub1tn.JPG (10572 bytes)

0.0.1 Bar Neck Scrub Python
Morelia amethistina

boas.jpg (1590 bytes)


  hetalbinobci1_tn.JPG (8889 bytes)


hypoboa1tn.JPG (7726 bytes)

  normalbci1_tn.JPG (9048 bytes)

1.0 100% Het Albino Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator

0.1 Hypomelanistic/Poss Het Albino Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator

0.1 Common Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator

1.0 Hogg Island Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator

0.1 Hogg Island Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator

maledumerils1_tn.JPG (7505 bytes)

femaledumerils1tn.JPG (8529 bytes)

1.0 Dumeril's Boa
Acrantophis dumerili

0.1 Dumeril's Boa
Acrantophis dumerili

malecaboa1tn.JPG (8532 bytes)

femalecaboa1tn.JPG (11451 bytes)

1.0 Central American Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator
0.1 Central American Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator
0.0.1 Central American Boa Constrictor
Boa constrictor imperator
1.0 Colombian Rainbow Boa

lizards.jpg (2220 bytes)

femaleblackthroat1_tn.JPG (8828 bytes)

maleackie1tn.JPG (9115 bytes)

osiris1_tn.JPG (6352 bytes)

1.0 Black Throat Monitor
Varanus albigularis ionidesi
0.1 Black Throat Monitor
Varanus albigularis ionidesi
1.0 Yellow Ridge Tail (Acanthurus) Monitor
Varanus acanthurus brachyurus
0.0.1 Nile Monitor
Varanus niloticus

malebeardie1tn.JPG (9098 bytes)

femalebeardie1tn.JPG (9506 bytes)

charliebeardie1tn.JPG (8076 bytes)

1.0 Yellow/Orange Inland Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps
0.1 Inland Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps
0.1 Yellow/Orange Inland Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps
New Baby #1
0.0.1 Inland Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps
New Baby #2
0.0.1 Inland Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps
New Baby #3
0.0.1 Inland Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps
New Baby #4
0.0.1 Inland Bearded Dragon
Pogona vitticeps

cubancyclura1tn.JPG (10397 bytes)

hybridcyclura1tn.JPG (10447 bytes)

1.0 Cuban Rock Iguana
Cyclura nubila nubila

0.1 Hybrid Grand Cayman Blue X Lesser Caymans Iguana
Cyclura nubila lewisi X Cyclura nubila caymanesis


redtegu2tn.JPG (10457 bytes)

0.0.1 Red Tegu
Tupinambis rufescens

1.0 Tokay Gecko
Gekko gecko
0.1 Tokay Gecko
Gekko gecko
other_reptiles.jpg (3476 bytes)

calking1tn.JPG (7040 bytes)

0.0.1 50/50 Black & White California King Snake
Lampropeltis getulus californiae

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