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Volume 1 Issue 8

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April 1999

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Our First Award!

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This issue is edited by Crusah. All articles are property of their respective authors as indicated in the bylines. If you have comments on any of the individual pieces, please contact the author. If you have comments about this site, please send them to

The next issue will go live on June 15, 1999.

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Happy Easter!!

MotorCity Celebrates Easter and More!

Yes MotorCity is celebrating Easter

This ,month of April is one the world will celebrate as Easter approaches and passes. We are once again priviledged to show you another article from the works of Wim Vandenbergh about the Citroen 2CV.

So, grab on to your hats and hold on this one is really exciting.

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In the Valley of the Mustang by Crusah

Join Community Leader Crusah again this month for more exciting adventures In the Valley of the Mustang

MotorSports Review by Wrenchturner

Wrenchturner found some humorous things in MotorSports to write about why not join him for a laugh or two.[more]

A Behind the Scenes Look:

Geocities Leader Co-ordinator Karen - Always looking up! by Crusah

  Besides being one of Geo's favourite ladies, Karen loves helping Community Leaders and Homesteaders who are in need. 

  Karen is is responsible for the effectiveness of the CL Program. Without her hard work the program would not be anywhere near where it is today. 

  Join us this month as we go deeper into the mind of Community Co-ordinator Karen and don't be surprised if you learn something valueable from this wonderful lady![more]



by Judy

Community Leader Judy has unfortunately left us. While we begged and pleaded with her not to she felt it was time to move on.  We will miss her very much.  Until we can convince her to return or perhaps find someone to fill the large hole she's left behind our MotoTrivia section has been temporarily shut down.

RC with Barbwyr

Join Community Leader Barbwyr as he guides us thru the ins and outs of RC cars! [more]

Sims with Mr.NASCAR

Mr.NASCAR knows games and he can help you with yours.  Join him as he reviews Racing Sims. [more]

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The Editor's Corner

Construction Season - by Mr. Nascar

  Well,Spring has arrived, Road Constuction has started, and we're getting busy around here. With so many strange things happening, it's getting hard to remember who is with us for this issue. In this issue, there's another exhilarating spin in Crusah's Mustang, more great R/C info, and another fun racing sim reviewed for you. Our favorite homesteader Wim has written another great article... this time about Citroens!. Another of our friends is interviewed Behind the Scenes, and this guy's a real race car driver! Really! Mechanixwife is sadly away for this issue, so look for her column to return next month. Until then, enjoy the MCN!
