The Bailey's Homepage
Welcome to the Bailey family,  Chris, Michelle & Austin Bailey.  We hope that you will enjoy the many pictures we have here to share.  This site was created just for you our friends and family that are not physically close to us.  Just know that we love and miss each and everyone of you daily.

Click here to see the first pictures of
Here are more pictures of Austin.
Austin's first photo shoot.
Austin's 8-9 month old pictures
Click here to go to our Picture Gallery.
Click here for New Pictures!
Michelle & Chris at Six Flags, Los Angeles CA 1998.
A few of our favorite sites:

- For all of you Parrot Heads out there you have to visit good ole Jimmy from time to time
We will try and keep you supplied with the lastest and greatest pictures...stay tuned for more.....
Want to get in touch with me? Email me! []
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since March 5,2001