About Classic Cars, collectibles, and other treasured things

A salute to things American that should be preserved

Remember to preserve culture

The two cars shown are my 1956 Ford Custom Ranch Wagon and my fathers 1965 Chevy Impala Super Sport. I hope that any vistors to this page enjoy what they see and once it gets going that I can be of some help to you all in some way. I love old pieces of history, antiques of any kind be they furniture, machinery and so on. I also like Classic cars. For those that don't know the definition of an antique is an item that is 100 years old or older. Currently I have several books that fit this category as well as a few other things. For cars and antique is a vechicle that is 50 years old or older. A classic is 25 and a collectible is anything else that has some value to a person. As far as cars go I am partial to American muscle and ingenioty hense the flag.I do admit that I like most antiques (cars or otherwise) from most places. As you can see by the pictures the Impala is a bit messy. It dosn't look like that any more for the most part though. After 15 years of being in the garage like that it is now running smoothly, has a re-done interior waiting to be put in and more. The 56 Ford is again my car. His name is General Sherman.

Visit my site again I hope to make it worth everyone's while eventually. Soon to come car restoration tips.

Need tips for working on your car? Click here if so.

Remember to support American and things american, be they classic cars, beautiful antiques, or your veteran grandfather. These are things that should be cherished. As far as classics go restore them don't trash or smash em. Please visit me again as this page was just started recently and is definatly still under construction.

© 1997 Unmoglich@aol.com

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