Texas Pics

The pic above is of the Astrodome here in my native Houston, Texas. Also in the picture, to the right and in the background, you can just make out downtown. This pic was taken while at Astroworld, while riding the Alpine Ride. The ride takes you from one end of the park to the other while suspended high up in the air! Nice relaxing ride after walking all over the park all day! The pics to the right are both of the famous Texas ride, "The Texas Cyclone" If you ever get the chance to visit Houston, then be sure to head for Astroworld and ride as many rides as possible! They have tons of em to choose from! And if you're shelling out the money for tickets, then why not invite me along and buy me one too! Just Joking!

The pics above, are of the River Walk in San Antonio, Texas. The River Walk is host to many places to eat, shop, tour, and even dance! It also gives you the opprotunity to ride along the river, getting a guided tour! The River Walk is quite lovely and a must to visit if you're ever in the neighborhood! The pic to the right is of, OH NO, you guessed it, another Planet Hollywood! If you visit the River Walk, you can also stop in and see Planet Hollywood! As much as Planet Hollywood is mentioned and pictured in my pages, you would think I was part owner or something! Ha Ha! I wish! Well, not lately. They have been having financial trouble lately. I'll settle for just visiting, thank you very much!

Pics Of France