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Stuff about me in here... Curious, ain't ya...
My Bike, My Baby... Come check her out...
My 50 best biker boyfriends!! And a couple girls!!!!
Hey... What do I look like anyway?
My Gear, Girl Gear in here..
How to ride on the back... If ya have to anyway...
Bikes for beginners... I get asked all the time, here's the page...
CHICK RACERS...Nothing like chasing after fast women...
My racing buds...
People say the STUPIDEST things... Check it out..
  If you've been here before, you might have noticed I finally got around to making some changes to the 'ol site... If ya haven't, well then, allow me to introduce ma' self to ya...

Ma' name is Kirsty and this here is a little cyber shrine to my one true addiction, sportbikes...

I'm a 22 year old nursing student attending Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. I moved up north after living in Houston, Texas for 17 years and I must say, with the exception of the snow, I love it here...

In the summer months when I'm not in school, you might find me flying along on my CBR with some of the boyz... Together a couple of us organized a group of sportbike enthusiasts and our local S.C.R.E.A.M. crew was born. In addition to riding with my friends, I've taken two high performance riding schools and have worked part time throughout the last 2 years at ProCycle, a local motorcycle dealership.

  I hope you enjoy your visit to my tiny corner of cyber space and ya get a chance to check out my Master Link to other fellow sportbiker sites. If you have any suggestions, comments, pictures, stories or just wanna say hello, I'd love to hear from ya! You can E-MAIL ME and I promise I will do my best to get back to you.

Thanks for stopping by


If anyone's curious, I use MS Front Page Express and am learning my way via trial and error through Adobe Photo Shop. I started this little hobby almost a year ago and hope that it's not too much of an eye sore for ya to read. I realize some of the pages are graphically intensive, but then so am I... If ya don't have a high speed connection, I appologize... You might have to wait for some pages to load...

Thank's Ya'll...

Wanna See More Pics? - CLICK ME BABY!!