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Hello and Welcome to my Website dedicated to Classic Cars. I am George Pavia born on the 3rd of April 1945 and live on the Island of Malta.

Since an early age Cars were always very interesting to me and this is the reason this Site came about.

Although Cars have been imported into Malta since the early years of 1900, my opinion is that the Maltese, excluding the well to do, started buying cars around the late 1950s.

However, from research which I have carried out, cars were being advertised for sale as early as 1919. It seems that two of the first car importers were Messrs. Muscat and Messrs. Mamo Brothers both with offices in Valletta. Two Car Brands of those first advertised were Chevrolet and Cadillac and prices were around Lm260 (Two hundred and sixty malta pounds) equivalent to US$640 (Six hundred and forty american dollars). Hire Purchase Terms were also available.

I remember a time when Cars were mainly purchased by English service men while serving their two year period on the Island. The Maltese gradually started buying cars as the standard of living started rising. Many used to buy a used one as that was what they could afford. Others had to be content with purchasing a Van or an Estate Car which they could use both for earning a living and pleasure. Nowadays many buy a brand new one as soon as they are eighteen years old.

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One must conclude that since the late 1950s the situation with cars has really changed. At present in Malta we have around 250,000 vehicles and when one considers that our Island is only 17miles by 9miles across and the population is of 360,000, one can imagine the traffic and parking problem we have. However, cars have become a necesssity and new ones are being purchased every day. I see a great future for those interested in investing in car parking spaces.

Once that you have visited this Site but the Island of Malta is new to you. I suggest you click on the icon 'Malta' on the right hand side and you will enter into the 'Malta Government Site' where you will find a lot of information in respect of the Maltese Islands.

Special thanks to Geocities who provided the space for this website

An email with your comments or questions will be gladly received.

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