Donna M. Dodson/ Bdove23254


i village


I am a 31yr.old wife & mother of three children. I am currently a homemaker/Domestic Egineer. I have been married to my lovely husband for 11yrs. now. My children are: boy age 11yrs., girl 8yrs., & a boy 7yrs.old.

My hobbies are reading, doing word searches, & homemade crafts. I am interested in music, tv, self-improvement, bible studies, & of course the internet chat & stuff.

My family as I have already previously mentioned consits of three children, & my husband, other then them I have my mother & father who are still alive, married, & also live close by me, & a younger sister who is only 4yrs. younger then I am. Other then that I have 3 aunts, & a ton of cousins who all live in other states, but I get to see them occasionally at family reunions, etc.