Hey snowmoilers where is all the snow I live in the uper northeast corner of WI and I tell you what last week I took my poles put them on the boat with no hat no gloves or boots and went fishing this is bad it realy stinks . I have a small mxz 440 lc in my garage just sitting there not good. But there is hope. I have a few freinds that drove about an hour north of here with there sleds on a trailer and had a blast they said I had to work oh well its on the way and we will all be rideing again ...............HAVE A SAFE YEAR............

Hello , World   Do you need help around the home with your car  or just need help  with something Email me @syporbob@newnorth.net

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Hey have fun and enjoy the sites


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life it is good 

Hey try its fun . geocities.com you will have a good time .. !!!!!

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS         1999-2000 season

Dec.17&18   saftey course contact jeff at (715) 479-3013

Jan. 14&15  Pocker run at tipplers tavern conover wisconsin contact tipplera tavern

Jan.29 at bauers dam " souper " bowl saturday    Feb. 4&5  bauers dam pocker run

Feb.13 lions club winter frolic at the town park

March 18 corn beef & cabbage benefit diner (serving at 4 pm.) at sun down tavern

Hope all of you enjoyed my web page  and I hope you all have a great holiday........................................