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Feel free to look around, things have changed somewhat. I have neglected the site for quite awhile, but hope to continue updating and changing it on more of a regular basis.


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Jan. 25th, 2005 - I am sure some of you have not heard yet but Susie and I are building a new house here in West Salem. We broke ground on December 6th and as of today we are framing the roof. We hope to be finished by June, but we'll see.

... more info & pictures to follow.

If you have never been here you definitely should check it out. But, be careful the "auction-bug" is very contagious.

A great tool to have for anyone buying or selling through auctions is paypal, it is a free service that allows you to pay with, and except payment from, credit cards.

   Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!  

Created by Butt-Naked Productions, Steven T. Brown Webmaster. 

Tuesday, January 25, 2005 09:41:41 PM

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