William Kay Wheels

9 Brush Hill Road   Suite 330

New Fairfield, CT 06812

(203) 775-1998


Greetings fellow DeLorean enthusiast! Thank you for your interest in William Kay Wheels. Ever since I bought my DMC12 there was one thing I wanted to change: the stock wheels. For six months I searched for an aftermarket wheel that would fit. The hot rod shops couldn’t help me. Wheel and tire warehouses couldn’t help me. Even the wheel manufacturers themselves couldn’t help me. After sifting through scores of rims at used wheel shops I was close to giving up. That’s when I decided to just buy a set of wheels and bring them to a precision machine shop. They modified the wheels to fit the studs and made sure the offset and clearance were correct. With the updated wheels and tires my DeLorean looks and handles better than ever.



William Kay

Owner, D.O.A. Member


                     -  Many modern styles to choose from

                    -  No modifications to any components on car

                    -  Maintain one inch front to rear offset

                    -  Store original rims to keep stock resale value


                                                                           Wheel and tire sizes:


                                                                           Front                                   Rear                                              

                              Stock                                   14”                                       15”

                              Tire Size                              195/60 14                           235/60 15


                              A                                          Same as stock                     Same as stock

                              Tire Size                              Same as stock                     Same as stock


                              B                                          15”                                       16”

                              Tire Size                              205/50 15                           245/50 16


                              C                                          16”                                       17”

                              Tire Size                              205/40 16                           235-255/40 17

                                                                                                                        235-255/50 17


DMC Wheel Price List

( Each price listed is for a set of four wheels )


Wheel Name                 A          B          C


Racer                           -           -           1399

Lightning                       -           -           1399

RS 2000                       -           -           1399

Revolution                     -           -           1499

Spider                          -           -           1499

AR-24                           799       -           -

AR-25                           799       -           -

AR-50                           799       849       -

Spyder                         799       899       -

Aero                             -           -           1299

Sniper                          1099     1149     1199

Speedster                     999       1049     -

AR-157                         999       999       -

Zurg                             -           -           1199

Pinzetti                         -           1249     1349

Twisted Tuner                -           -           1299

Arrowhead                    -           -           1199

Silver Sniper                 1049     1099     1149

Silver Speedster            949       999       -

Crossfire                       749       -           -

Eurostar Silver               -           -           1199

Eurostar Chrome           -           1449     -

E-TKT                           -           -           1649

Fuel                              -           -           1649

Zoom                            949       -           -

Evolution                       -           1549     1699

Big Alice                       -           1799     1899

Bones                           -           1799     1899

Value                            749       -           -

High Groove                  -           1099     -

Spawn                          -           1099     -

Gnome                          -           1799     1899

Hot Tuna                       -           999       1099

Gazer                           -           1749     -

Tarantula                       -           1749     1899

Alf                                -           1749     1899

Mystique                       -           -           1199

Burner                          949       1049     -

Caffeine                        -           1099     1199

GT-R                            -           1099     1199

J-Spec                         -           1199     -

Monsoon                       -           1099     1249

Rush                             -           1099     1199

Tuner                            949       1099     1249

Villain                           -           -           1099

Wild Card                     -           -           1249

104 Silver                      -           849       -

107 Silver                      -           999       -

355 Chrome / Silver       749       -           -

362 Chrome / Silver       849       -           -

Wheel Name                 A          B          C


438 Chrome / Silver       -           949       999

441 Chrome / Silver       849       -           -

472 Chrome / Silver       -           -           999

478 Silver                      -           899       -

488 Chrome / Silver       -           899       999

491 Chrome / Silver       -           949       1049

618 Silver                      -           849       949

122 Chrome / Silver       -           -           1599

123 Chrome / Silver       -           -           1049

134 Chrome / Silver       -           -           1249

Kai                               -           -           849

Type 53                        999       1099     -

Horizon                         799       -           -

Nocturno                       -           1599     1749

Elegante                       -           1549     -

Millenium                       -           1249     1399

Whirlwind                      -           1549     1649

Stylist                           -           1649     1799

Koge                            -           -           1549

Zebec                           -           -           1549

Casso                           -           -           1549




Lug Nuts (set of 16)                               44.99

Lug Nut Tool                                          9.99



DMC and DeLorean Racing logos available through

the DeLorean Motor Company in Houston, Texas.

For logo information contact Steven Wynne at:


            DeLorean Motor Company

            10804 Roark Road

            Houston, TX 77079

            (281) 586-9573 Voice

            (281) 568-9386 Fax



Driver Side Locking Compartment

Subwoofer Conversion Kit                      89.99



Shipping and handling not included in prices      

(UPS Ground, Fedex, Airborne)


Some alloy wheels are made of a “softer” metal than stock wheels. If unchecked,

the lug nuts may loosen over time. Prices subject to change without notice. No

cash or charge refunds. Up to 10 days full credit in original unused condition. A

25% restocking fee is charged. All shipping charges are non-refundable. Shipping

claims must be filed with the carrier. All & only manufacturers’ warranties apply.