Glenn A. was already taking an unusual tack when he decided to modify a 1989 Prelude 4WS. Until recently they have been a quirky and expensive option, but now at more affordable form at various shows. None more modified than Glenn's however. Glenn originally bought the car to keep in stock condition, because his previous car were such cop-magnets. When he dropped into Tempe Tyres for a set of 15-inch rims, he came away with a set of 17s. With standard suspension the car looked like a bit of a 4WD though, so glenn decided to lower it. He bought the lowered Pedders spring and Bilstein shocks separately, fitting them himself to save money. Unfortunately, the spring had to be swapped and retensioned a couple of times before he had the height he wanted. The nextbuch of parts included a set of Niken pedals, Razo gear knob and Monster Taco. Apparently this wasn't enough, because next he bought a Mugen bodykit and started lokking for someone to help him out to customise it. When he spoke to Li from Jetspeed and showed him some sketches, Li was entusiastic about the project so things got rolling. The first bodykit took four months to complete, with custom front and rear bars side skirts and door panels. the car was sprayed again and 2.5-inch sports exhaust fitted by Hi Tech mufflers. the car only stayed the same for a month before Glenn decided to modify the kit again. This time it took another three months as the whole kit was modified along with a new custom wing. It was finished and sprayed again by Joe D. in time for the 1998 Sydney auto Salon, with a new twin-tipexhaust system fitted by Tuffy-Toned with custome extractors and a high-flow cat. The bodykit looked wild, but now 17s looked too small due to size of the spoilers. He ordered the 18-inch rims from Tempe Tyres and while he was waiting for them he went to Cool's Auto Trim. He ended up sketching my design for the interior with blue inserts to break up the white. Steve from Cool's reshaped the front and rear seats with lots of extra padding, as Glenn wanted a 'bulky' look. The full retrim took two weeks and due to lack of time Glenn had to install the stereo himself. The wheels finally arrived a week after the Salon and there's no doubt about them being big enough. Tempe tyres also came up with the 225/40 Pirelli P-Zero tyres, which have more grip than a terriffied driving instructor Glenn still wants to do some more work on the engine, possibly a turbo, but even now this wildest 4WS Prelude we've seen and he is proud of it to be the first modified Honda Prelude 4WS in Australia. Anyone who went to the Nationals 1999 will also know that the car now has a fully-trimmed dash and metalic blue paint over the front half of the car. Now what was that about not attracting attention.
Published by: Expresss Publication Pty Ltd HOT4s