Obi Wan Overmann's Profile

When you get to be a guy about my age, you really want to sit back and keep your mouth shut as often as possible. And there are certain times when speaking your mind is even more dangerous than usual. Like say at the church picnic when you suddenly remember that joke that the ex-marine told you. Or any time your wife/girlfriend is acting friendly. Or, if you happen to be sitting in the passenger seat the first time your teenager drives the family car. I know you want scream out and grab the steering wheel, you may rip the arm rest right off the door panel. But you have to kind of stay relaxed, take the long view, cast your mind a couple months to where they have their license and your pulse returns to normal. Your life is going to get a lot better then. You won't have to chauffeur them around when they want a new tattoo. They'll even run errands for you!! So cool it down. Just sit there and don't let them see you cringe every time they knock down a stop sign. When they clip off the mirror off a parked vehicle. Compliment them for missing the rest of the cop car. You just stay calm and in a couple of months. You'll be able to dangle these car keys in front of your teenagers, and suddenly have that trunk car you so desperately needed.

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Here are some abbreviations that I thought you people should have. Use them as you wish. If you know of anymore them that I don't have, IM me. My SN is in the AIM Remote above. Thanx!!

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